crown Reduction

When trees on your property grow beyond what’s acceptable to you or your neighbourhood, you need to do something about it. But the question is, how can you cut down a tree to an acceptable size safely? This is where crown reduction comes in. Down To Earth Trees performs crown reduction for homes in and out of Kent.


What is Crown Reduction?

Crown reduction is one of the most common pruning techniques arborists use to control the size of the tree while maintaining the structure or shape of its crown. Arborists focus on limbs on the uppermost portion of the tree canopy, cutting them shorter to decrease the tree height. These branches, however, are only cut to a certain extent to ensure they heal fast and grow properly again to form the new crown.

What Are the Benefits of Tree Crowning?

Now we know what crown reduction is, we can tell you its other advantages:

It removes dead branches.

As trees grow, it’s natural for some branches to die. If, however, you leave them on the tree, it can be dangerous for the tree, your property and your family. During a strong storm, dead branches can get tossed around by the wind and damage property or cause injury.

It improves fruit production.

Crown reduction comes with various tree health benefits, including increased sunlight and fewer competing branches. In turn, fruit trees get healthier and may increase their fruit production the next year.

It increases your home’s kerb appeal.

Many homeowners don’t pay much attention to the trees in their backyard — that is, until they begin to look overgrown and out of shape. With proper pruning methods like crown reduction, you can ensure trees in your garden are aesthetically pleasing, enhancing the look of your home exterior.

Why Choose Down To Earth Trees?

Again, there is a limit to the extent of crown reduction. This depends on various factors, including the growing habit of particular tree species and the location of the tree. It is best to leave your crown reduction needs in our capable hands.

Contact us today to request a free quote.


Veteran Tree Management in Kent & London
Down To Earth illustration 4_Silver Birch.png

Areas we cover

We cover most of the South East including Kent, Surrey, Sussex, London and Essex.
